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MMV #008: Coffee Empires and Customer Experience

Good morning, Vetrepreneur!

In the crosshairs: Surinder Goode

This edition is an exciting one for me.

I consider Surinder a personal inspiration and mentor, so having the opportunity to showcase her story means I finally get to give back to all her contributions.

It's also exciting because she is the other side of the entrepreneurship coin that The Vetrepreneur Collective represents: military spouses.

Out of 12 million military spouses - both active duty and veteran - 48% are self-employed. That is an astonishing number that shows the ingenuity and resourcefulness that this segment of the population brings.

But, sadly, 22% of active duty military spouses are unemployed with 90% of working spouses saying they are underemployed.

Spouse. Entrepreneur. Mentor. Host.

This is how Surinder is such an inspiration.

Not only is she the wife of a Navy SEAL - giving her first-hand experience in the challenges of raising a family with a spouse constantly gone doing a dangerous job. She's also an entrepreneur, podcast host, and mentor for military spouses wanting to start businesses of their own.

More importantly, she's one of the most helpful and candid people you'll meet. You'll always get her unfiltered opinion, but it'll come from a place of love and genuine concern. She unapologetically cusses like a sailor and, much like Kevin Bacon, is no more than 6 degrees of separation from anyone in the military community.

She is a one-stop-shop for military spouses getting a business started.


Let's be honest, being a military spouse is a challenging job in and of itself.

Adding to that, being in the special operations community during the entire length of the Global War on Terror with back to back deployments to some of the worst combat zones, she is arguably living the pinnacle of stress.

Yet, somehow Surinder has not only survived, but thrived in the process. She has embraced the SEAL community as her own and made it her mission to become intimately involved with every level of the organization. Any SEAL stationed on the West Coast since 2002 has undoubtedly heard her name.

A connector at heart, she's used her strengths and network to build an impressive series of businesses.


It all started with a cup of coffee.

On the SEAL compound on Coronado in the early 2000s, the only place to grab a coffee was the Exchange. And that was mediocre at best. Plus, there wasn't a great selection of breakfast food for a notoriously picky group of men (yes, SEALs are high maintenance). It was the military equivalent of walking into a 7-Eleven.

She figured there had to be a better option.

But she didn't jump into it blindly, either. For a month straight, every morning she waited outside the Exchange and counted people leaving with a cup of coffee in hand. She then struck up a conversation with them:

  • Do you like the coffee?
  • Is there something you would rather have?
  • Would you like to have another option?

This gave her all the data she needed before figuring out step 2: getting permitted to operate on base.

Armed with the numbers and using her connections in the community, she figured out who the decision-makers were to get the approval she needed. Now it was time to start the business, one coffee stand at a time.

Over the next 14 years, Surinder opened up coffee shacks on Coronado, North Island, Naval Base San Diego and Point Loma, and Marine Bases Miramar and Camp Pendleton. She built a regional empire locking down the captive military audience.

It is a community she loved to serve, but ultimately found her next mission in life.

Host & Mentor.

Single-handedly managing over a dozen coffee shops spread over San Diego county is a Herculean feat.

So, for a variety of reasons ranging from family to logistical challenges of working on military bases, she decided to close operations. But this freed up an immense amount of time that allowed her to begin her new passion project.

Leveraging her entrepreneurial skills, vast network, and desire to support the military community, she started her podcast, The Goode Show, where she speaks with entrepreneurs, military spouses, and organizations focused on helping the former two. She already has support from several major companies and a growing audience.

With such a vast, untapped group of people, the work Surinder is doing will have a far-reaching impact. I'm excited to listen to her episodes (I'll be a guest on an upcoming one) and hear about her success in promoting entrepreneurship among military spouses.

If you know of anyone this could help, please forward this newsletter or pass along Surinder's information!

Surinder's Instagram: @thegoodeshow

Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs):

In today's competitive business landscape, providing exceptional customer service is no longer optional; it's a strategic imperative.

By prioritizing the customer experience and going above and beyond to exceed their expectations, businesses can foster long-term relationships, boost customer loyalty, and drive sustainable growth. In this article, we'll explore the key principles and actionable tips to deliver outstanding customer service that sets your business apart.

I. Understanding the Value of Customer Experience:

Exceptional customer service is a cornerstone of business success. It goes beyond simply resolving issues; it encompasses every touchpoint a customer has with your brand. When done right, it can lead to remarkable outcomes:

  • Customer loyalty drives growth:
    1. Research shows that acquiring new customers is significantly more expensive than retaining existing ones. A loyal customer base is a valuable asset for sustainable growth.
    2. Loyal customers are more likely to make repeat purchases, refer your business to others, and provide valuable feedback. Their advocacy can amplify your brand's reach and influence.
  • Positive customer experiences lead to brand advocacy:
    1. Satisfied customers become brand ambassadors, spreading positive word-of-mouth and amplifying your business's reputation.
    2. Exceptional customer service creates a strong emotional connection, reinforcing brand loyalty and trust.

II. Listening to Customers and Addressing Concerns:

Actively listening to your customers and promptly addressing their concerns is crucial for building strong relationships and ensuring customer satisfaction:

  • Actively seek customer feedback: Encourage customers to share their experiences through surveys, reviews, or feedback forms. Their insights and suggestions can provide valuable guidance for improving your products, services, and overall experience.
Pro tip: Offer incentives such as discounts or exclusive content to incentivize customers to provide feedback.
  • Promptly address customer concerns: Establish a robust customer support system that ensures swift and effective resolution of issues. Train your support team to empathize with customers, actively listen, and provide satisfactory solutions.

III. Personalizing Interactions for Lasting Relationships:

Creating personalized experiences shows your customers that they are valued individuals. It fosters a sense of loyalty and strengthens your relationship:

  • Know your customers: Collect and analyze customer data to gain insights into their preferences, behavior, and purchase history. Utilize customer relationship management (CRM) tools to track interactions, personalize communications, and tailor offers.
Pro tip: Segment your customer base based on demographics, purchase history, and behavior to deliver more targeted and relevant experiences.
  • Create personalized experiences: Address customers by name and make them feel valued and appreciated. Customize recommendations, offers, and communications based on their individual preferences and past interactions.

IV. Going the Extra Mile:

To truly stand out and exceed customer expectations, consider going above and beyond in your interactions:

  • Anticipate customer needs: Train your team to proactively identify and fulfill customer needs before they arise. Offer personalized recommendations, timely reminders, and tailored solutions to enhance the overall experience.
Pro tip: Implement an FAQ section to provide self-service resources that address common questions or challenges.
  • Surprise and delight: Exceed customer expectations by providing unexpected gestures of appreciation. Offer exclusive discounts, personalized thank-you notes, or small gifts to leave a lasting positive impression.
Pro tip: Celebrate milestones in the customer journey with special rewards or recognition, such as anniversary discounts or VIP access to events.

V. Empowering Your Team for Customer Success:

Delivering exceptional customer service requires a team effort. Empower your employees with the skills and mindset necessary to provide outstanding experiences:

  • Invest in employee training: Equip your team with the knowledge, skills, and tools to deliver exceptional customer service. Train them on effective communication, problem-solving, and empathy.
  • Foster a customer-centric culture: Establish a company-wide commitment to prioritize customer satisfaction. Reward and recognize employees who consistently deliver outstanding service and celebrate success stories that showcase exceptional customer experiences.
Pro tip: Encourage collaboration to break down silos and ensure a seamless customer experience across departments.

Customer service is a business differentiator that can drive growth, build lasting relationships, and enhance brand reputation. By understanding the value of customer experience, actively listening to feedback, personalizing interactions, going the extra mile, and empowering your team, you can create a customer-centric culture that sets your business apart.

Customer experience is an ongoing journey that requires continuous improvement and adaptation.

Embrace the power of outstanding customer experiences, and watch your business thrive in today's competitive landscape.

If you enjoyed this and you need help starting or growing your business, there are a few ways I can help.

Business Plan Development Guide: Starting a company without a business plan is like constructing a house without a blueprint - you won't know what you're building or where you're going. Use this step-by-step guide to make sure you have a deep understanding of your environment and how you'll succeed.

Business Pre-Flight Checklist: Having a checklist to walk you through each step of the entrepreneurial process will turn the daunting idea of starting a business into a series of manageable tasks.

One-on-One Coaching: Accountability, experience, and honest guidance. If you're needing help getting started or your growth has stalled, please schedule a free introductory call to see how I can best support your goals.

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